a while ago,I bought this box/kit from IKEA. when I opened it, it ended up becoming a catch all of sewing detritus, and it never did get fully assembled. if you've been sewing for... decades, you know. there's one box that's always a mess. when you have multiple kits, (travel, couch, kid) one always ends up becoming the junky one. the catch all. since this box is the biggest, I feel like it could possibly absorb the others (as needed).
there are aspects of it I like (dovetail joining!). however... it's... plain. kind of borderline ugly? when I started sorting tools, I realized the inside could be better divided, have spots for specific items. maybe I want it...visually... fancier. definitely more colorful.
I sorted out supplies I'm always using. talked to my husband about options for 3-d printed trays for organizing. started a sewing box board on Pinterest for inspiration. and then started compiling ideas I liked. I'm drawn to remade antique furniture and victorian French etui boxes. I think the inside should possibly exceed the outside for prettiness, and I'm convinced some portion of the wood needs to show through.
so- if you want to get the box (IKEA- $39), and remake it too, let's do it together (starting may 20th!). maybe you need a box for tools. or... writing. organizing your garden implements. maybe you just want a pretty box, to hold lots of pretty things (duh, I have one). I'm here to cheer you on. I can offer lots of ideas, 3-d printed files to make trays for the inside, and all sorts of lovely bits and bobs to cram inside. we know the girl with 22 pairs of thread snips has tried and true methods of justification. trust. can't wait to see what you make, xoxo- km